Investing in Local Capacities

Hammoud, Agriculture Engineer

“The interaction with the farmers has renewed my self-confidence.”

Hammoud is an agricultural engineer. He works for the local administration in Al-Raqqa. Through the remote technical assistance provided by the project he could fill the gap of technical knowledge. Now he is serving with eagerness local farmers in his area providing courses and trainings.

“After the setting up of the Civil Council in Raqqa, the city came back to life, but my work in the field of plant protection was outdated, greatly affected by the years of war. Therefore, the activities of awareness, guidance and participation were almost standing idle, due to the lack of expertise and modern scientific references. In February 2019, I was invited by the Italian Project Office in Raqqa to a lecture entitled “Wheat Diseases”, which I attended with a group of agricultural engineers and a group of peasants. At the end of the lecture, all questions related to this disease were answered, and the lecturer, in cooperation with the project management, provided us with special tables for the monitoring and control of yellow rust disease in wheat fields. These tables were for us a new scientific and practical resource because we discovered them for the first time: before we knew nothing about them. Thanks to the value of the teacher, I listened for the first time to a lesson full of new information for us.

Due to my commitment and interest in the topics, at some point I was invited to deliver an awareness-raising lecture in the countryside in cooperation with the project management. I felt it was a direct test of my information.

The interaction with the farmers have renewed my self-confidence, and I was very happy because I was again doing my basic work in advising and guiding farmers.

In addition, I was invited to make field visits in cooperation with the technical team of the project in Raqqa, advising the farmers how to apply the correct prevention methods against those diseases, and what types of pesticides should be used in control operations. Through conferences, awareness raising sessions, agricultural extension and agricultural brochures provided by the project, knowledge of methods of prevention and control of diseases and pest infestations among plant specialists and farmers has increased. This has led to an increase in farmers’ production and income levels, reflecting positively on their resilience and ability to cultivate their land, as well as to pursue their children’s education.

Finally, I thank all those involved in the Italian project. I hope that the support will continue in order to include as many farmers as possible.

I’m happy to be able to receive the latest updates on the available agricultural sciences without having to travel and spend money. Through continuity, minds grow and life thrives.”


Building up self-reliance and livelihoods for Syrian Women


My story is the story of many in the village of Raqqa Samra, my village