CIHEAM Bari in Syria


The  Mediterranean  Agronomic  Institute  of  Bari  (CIHEAM  Bari)  is  the  Italian headquarters  of  the intergovernmental  organization  CIHEAM  (Centre  International  de Hautes  Études  Agronomiques  Mediterranéennes),  gathering  13  Mediterranean countries.

Established  in  1962, CIHEAM  Bari  is  a  Center  for  post-graduate  higher  education, applied  research  and  development  cooperation.   CIHEAM  Bari’s activities address  issues  linked  to  sustainable agriculture  at  large,  such  as:  food  security,  poverty alleviation,  strengthening  institutional  capacity,  efficient  use  of  natural  resources, exploitation  of  agricultural  production  and  productivity,  promotion  of  organic  farming, development  of  sustainable  food  systems,  climate  change  adaptation,  integrated management of coastal areas, women empowerment, fishing and aquaculture.

CIHEAM  Bari  works  in  more  than  20  Mediterranean  and  African  countries  and  has hundreds  of  partnerships  with  institutions,  academia,  civil  society  and  enterprises in various countries.

 CIHEAM Bari has been working in Syria since 2004. It has implemented several projects, mainly aimed at rural development, before the war, and early recovery in agriculture, to foster development, during the war.


Previous Projects

“Sustainable and integrated development as innovative valorization system for olive oil” 

from 2004 to 2007, aiming at the improvement of the Syrian olive chain and at the possibility to export olive oil, also through an international certification process.

“Rationalization of Ras El Ain Irrigation Systems” 

from 2005 to 2008, aiming at the ground water use efficiency for irrigation and at the saving of this resource. The project has introduced new irrigation systems and sustainable mechanization to improve agriculture productivity and reduce production costs. During Expo 2015, the project was awarded as one of the “Best Practices for Sustainable Development” and in particular under Priority “Sustainable management of natural resources”.   

Territorial Engagement and socio-economic support to the rural communities of Ebla

from 2010 to 2011, interrupted by the war. This project aimed at the enhancement of the cultural and archeological heritage of the area of Ebla to improve the income opportunities of the local Communities with a special focus on women’s income.

“Rational use of natural resources to improve agricultural productions” 

from 2010 to 2011, interrupted by the war. This project aimed at the improvement of food chain’s sustainable management for the rational use of national water resources. Specifically, the project aimed to improve the quantity and quality of agricultural production, minimizing the use of water for irrigation.

Prior to the war, several research projects were also implemented by CIHEAM Bari (as leader or partner) in collaboration with Syrian partners.

Since 2014 CIHEAM Bari has been continuously present in Syria with interventions in the field of Agriculture Early Recovery, to foster development. Initially funded by the Italian Cooperation, these interventions were also co-funded by the British Cooperation (DFID) from 2015 to 2018; then, as from 2019, these activities have been funded only by the Italian Cooperation..

Aim of these interventions is “Strengthening the resilience of Syrian rural communities through improving their food security and livelihood”.

Several innovative methodologies have been introduced, some of which have also been internationally recognised. Various external assessments have certified the successful  results.