RALNES Project
R.A.L.N.E.S. is the follow up of the Ra.L.A. program, implemented by CIHEAM Bari and funded by the Italian Cooperation. It is designed to increase the capacity of the rural communities, improving food security and livelihood.
Following the direct requests of the Local Administrations and responding to farmers and breeders’ main needs, the project is going to strengthen their capacity to access inputs and services, increasing agricultural and livestock production and rural household income. Through its commitments, R.A.L.N.E.S. aims to ensure continuous support to rural communities who still address challenges produced by war, creating an environment of peaceful collaboration dominated by inter-ethnic dialogue, a sense of co-responsibility as well as stimulating new work opportunities and economic exchanges among community members belonging to different ethnic groups.
Duration: 2 years programme (2022-2024)
Budget: 4 M €
Project Components
farmers/breeders (among them 600 female farmers/breeders) participated to field seminars
participants to RTA sessions
women applied to participate in Women Centre activities
women participating to health and social technical assistance from CITEL doctors
women participated in Soft Skills and Business Training courses
Farmers and breeders have strengthened their productions receiving inputs in cost recovery (CR)
The project is designed to support farmers and breeders with agricultural and livestock inputs, with the aim to increase their agricultural and livestock productions and to decrease the production costs. Particularly, the project provide agricultural input such as fertilizers (Urea and Phosphate), phytosanitary products, concentrated fodder and veterinary inputs, including animal vaccines and medicines, applying the cost recovery approach. According to this methodology, beneficiaries co-participate in the costs of the distributed inputs and services, by paying 70% of their prices, while the remaining 30% is covered by the project. Received money is used to re-purchase additional inputs and services that are distributed again, reaching a higher number of farmers and breeders, multiplying the impact of the intervention. Technical assistance and capacity building for the use of the inputs are provided to farmers and breeders through the local project staff technicians. The co-participation of beneficiaries in the costs of agriculture and livestock inputs, ensures the financial sustainability of the project and increase ownership and commitment of beneficiaries who become less dependent on external aid and more self-reliant, playing an active role in this sustainable development model.
Syrian technicians have improved their capacity to assist their communities
Due to difficulties to train Syrian technicians outside Syria and to travel to Syria, the project implements Remote Technical Assistance (RTA) which is based on a participatory analysis of the needs and requirements of local communities. RTA provides appropriate integrated solutions and capacity building sessions in the field of agriculture and livestock breeding, using satellite internet tools that remove distance between the Syrian beneficiaries and the international experts delivering the technical assistance. The objective is to facilitate the spreading of farming-related culture tailored to local conditions, so as to build economic stabilization opportunities and create proactive, dynamic, and resilient communities. RTA allows dissemination of information contemporaneously to a high number of participants, regardless of their location, promoting direct interaction reaching a higher number of attendees at the same time reducing logistical costs.
Support the rural women and youth economic and social activities
The project has analysed the state of the art of the situation and needs of women and youth, in order to identify existing shortcomings and problems which can be addressed. The project aims to stimulate the economic activities of women and young people through training courses aimed at promoting their socio-economic activities, improving their soft skills and sharing best practices among pregnant women and mothers on hygiene, nutrition and prophylaxis related to pregnancy and newborns. At the core of this result, there is the creation of a Women Centre in Raqqa that serves as a safe space for women where they can attend capacity building sessions, conduct economic and recreational activities.
Economic/financial support, capacity building actions as well as social activities are thus combined all together with the goal of fostering personal and professional growth while contributing to the overall well-being of the community. The women centre is a real opportunity for women to connect, learn, build team spirit creating a supportive network where women share their challenges and successes becoming more confident in their abilities.
cumulative beneficiaries have received agricultural and livestock inputs till now
Delivery of agriculture and veterinary services to farmers and breeders
The project supports local communities in revitalizing the veterinarian services for breeders providing animal vaccinations, strengthening and extending the existing veterinarian service, namely veterinary clinic and laboratory in Raqqa, and ensuring technical assistance carried out by international experts who support the agriculture and livestock services by remote. Agricultural services for farmers, already established during previous phases, including tractor, plough and other agriculture machinery, are reactivated and procured, reaching more beneficiaries and allowing efficient crops management. Agricultural extension services are provided too, since the project is going to reinforce the EWDS (Early Warning Disease System) with weather stations installation for the monitoring of the major occurring diseases and pests, supported by the development of a DSS (Decision Support System), namely a customised app, called AGRISYRIA, designed to offer real-time data actually collected in the field to professional users which enables the implementation of alert systems in order to plan phytosanitary interventions.
animal vaccinations administered
farmers (222 female farmers) have benefitted from the agricultural extension services
farmers (127 female farmers) have benefited from the crop services
Rational and sustainable methodologies and techniques for Water network rehabilitation
The project continues the rehabilitation work and the maintenance of tertiary channels, actively supporting local administrations with the provision of machineries, equipment and technical assistance carried out by an international expert. Moreover, to enhance water efficiency, avoid overexploitation and promote reliable irrigation methods, the project promotes the community-based management approach among communities, through meetings, community seminars and the development of a participatory Action Plan which defines a solid strategy of action in rehabilitating and maintaining water nets. The activity ensures that water resources are effectively managed, and that communities are empowered to take ownership of their water resources.