"I have gained some experience that I can pass on to my children. I feel important in society. As the saying goes: β€œa little stone supports a mountain”. 

β€” Amal, Women Association member

The severe economic conditions caused by war as well as ISIS occupation of Raqqa from 2014 to 2017 jeopardized women and their role in their communities. The effects of the war and the deteriorating economic situation in Syria make it difficult  for women to find decent work, entrepreneurship or learning opportunities, while they still struggle with a rather traditional and conservative model of women in society. Whereas before the war rural women were mostly responsible for family matters, today more and more women find themselves forced to take on economic responsibilities, actively contributing to the family's income. This change in the  role of women is a burden and an opportunity at the same time.

Many women, moreover, became the sole breadwinners for their families reporting many difficulties in finding stable livelihood opportunities. Consequently, Syrian women face many obstacles, such as the lack of a favourable environment to start or expand a business due mainly to the lack of capital, the limited know-how to be selected for jobs usually reserved for men, the difficulty of finding decent working conditions, especially in agriculture, where women face an unequal division of labour compared to men, and the lack of efficient vocational training courses where women can improve both material and practical skills.

Promote the Role of Women

Since 2016, CIHEAM Bari is close to Syrian women promoting a programme that takes into account their current needs and integrating, in a holistic approach, not only economic concerns but also women’s social and personal life. Thus, during its many years of experience in Syria, CIHEAM Bari gender sensitive support has materialised by:

  • distributing inputs and equipment (grant) for the start-up of income generation activities led by women;

  • providing technical assistance/capacity building courses and seminars held by international experts about strategies and know-how on food production techniques, business-oriented thinking, income generating activities management;

  • ensuring constant consultancy and training on the job by CIHEAM technicians in loco, supporting women in the management of their business activities;

  • creating Women Associations as shared workspace for women to develop income generation activities. The five established associations, located in North West and Northern Syria, are engaged in dairy/yoghurt production, food processing of local agriculture products, bakery and confectionery;

  • prioritizing soft skills training, aiming at increase women’s proactiveness and entrepreneurial thinking, team spirit and collaboration, joint decision-making, free discussion opportunities improving their personal development;

  • cooperating with the local administrations in developing women opportunities ensuring trust and sustainability for the CIHEAM Bari programme.

Improving Rural Women’s Livelihood in our Women Center

A rewarding result of the collaboration with local administrations and the work carried out over the years is the realisation of a Women Centre, a centre for women built by CIHEAM Bari in the city of Raqqa, which is a safe space where women can participate in various activities, such as trainings, literacy and computer courses, capacity-building sessions as well as economic and recreational activities. Economic/financial support, capacity building actions as well as social activities are thus combined all together with the goal of fostering personal and professional growth while contributing to the overall well-being of the community.

Specifically, the Women Centre consists of three main components, tailored to the current needs of Syrian people:


  • Socio/Sanitary technical assistance to women: there is a significant collaboration with the Interdepartmental Centre for Research in Telemedicine-CITEL established at the University of Bari Aldo Moro. CITEL doctors, in collaboration with the CIHEAM Bari project team, have been leading teleconsultation sessions, hence remote medical assistance, on topics related to hygiene, nutrition, prevention and prophylaxis of diseases affecting pregnant women and newborns (infections, hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes, neonatal jaundice, anaemia).

  • Space for children, a nursery where children can play allowing their mothers to participate to the activities offered by the centre

  • Recreational activities, such as art, music, sport and dance for physical wellbeing and social events for community bond.


  • Soft skills training for women personal development;

  • Technical trainings on food processing and handcrafts;

  • Business basic principles to teach women how to strengthen their economic activity and manage time and finances effectively;

  • Literacy, language and computer courses fostering digital inclusion.


  • Access to in kind grants for women and youth to decrease the workload on female farmers, enhancing their efficiency and productivity in agricultural activities;

  • Joint Workshop places in the Centre, where women can access fully equipped workshop rooms (Sewing room, hairdressing/beauty room, professional kitchen for food production and processing);

  • Common salespoint in the centre to sell women products.

The women centre is a real opportunity for women to connect, learn, build team spirit creating a supportive network where women share their challenges and successes becoming more confident in their abilities.

"The course developed my skills, abilities and strengths. Now I feel strong, gaining the ability to find a solution to problems. Now, I know how to manage my time and how to plan it”.

Mayada-participant to soft-skills course