Remote Technical Assistance

RTA refers to a series of services by which experts provide assistance to a specific group of beneficiaries in a remote way (via satellite Internet) regarding specific problems and needs of the Local Rural Communities assessed through a participatory appraisal with the Local Communities. The RTA approaches themes of agricultural interest, addressed to Syrian stakeholders, who will later transfer knowledge and skills to their local communities. The objective is to facilitate the spreading of farming-related culture tailored to local conditions, with a view to building economic stabilization opportunities and creating proactive, dynamic and resilient communities. The RTA modules and seminars are all tailor-made and customized to the identified specific needs, providing to the technicians and beneficiaries access to updated information by specialized experts on specific topics.

The RTA has been already successfully applied by the Programme “Agriculture and Livestock Support for Syrian People”, and by the first project phase, since traditional face-to-face capacity building has been impossible, due to the fact it is not possible to travel to/from Syria. Advantage of the applied RTA technology is that all sessions will be registered on a customized E-learning platform, which ensures that the participants can access any time the learning materials and live-streams, ensuring the dissemination of information to a large audience.

RTA has been a key factor for capacity building activities, reinforcing the technical knowledge and the skills of the technicians for providing technical assistance to the rural community.
— Timesis External Evaluation

Added Value of RTA

  • Supersede borders, connected through Virtual classrooms regardless of the country

  • Dissemination of information contemporaneously to a high number of participants regardless of their location; Direct interaction between local participants and international experts

  • Reaching a higher number of attendees at the same time reducing logistical costs

  • Limited costs for capacity building, since no travel and other related expenses

  • Accessibility of learning material on a special platform anytime from anywhere

  • In a moment where it is difficult/not possible to travel to/from Syria and under the COVID 10 Pandemic, the RTA replaces the face-to-face assistance. It minimizes the costs of the courses since no travel, lodging and accommodations, passport and visa documentations and other bureaucratic papers are needed. Thus, RTA is considered an innovative instrument that shorten the distances and provide assistance to rural communities living in unsecure areas in order to continue and ameliorate their agricultural productions.

All sessions are registered on a customized E-learning platform, which ensures that the participants can access any time the learning materials and livestreams, ensuring the dissemination of information to a large audience.